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Showing posts from 2013

Korean Japchae ( Stir fried glass noodle with vegetables )

As a noodles lover, I would like to make any of my favorite noodle at home for anyone to enjoy. Trying this stir fried Korean glass noodles in the resturant, first it appeal me is the sesame oil aroma and the crunchy texture of the noodles. It's different from other egg noodles that we normally eat. The good thing about this noodles is after we ate some other food for a while, even the noodle was because cool off and it's still taste good like a noodle salad. I     immediately rely that it's good for appetizer and a cold noodles dish as well. Purchase a package of this Korean sweet potato starch noodles, it's easily found in any Korean or Asian market. I normally purchase one package of around 12 oz for my whole family. Ingredients: - one package of Korean Swet Potate starch noodles - 2 bunches of spinach - Fresh black mushroom (if available) or - White mushroom - 2 Carrot stick, shredded - 2 Celery stick, shredded ...